Phoenix Rising Association

Phoenix Rising was born in 2010 thanks to Nathalie Chiffaut-Moliard and Olivier Beroud, respectively president et former vice-president.

The association currently has 17 motivated people. Everyone brings his experience and skills to Phoenix Rising projects. Besides the musical talents of the guest artists, the success of our projects lies in 2 things :

We do things seriously without being too serious.

The association brings together the skills required for the preparing and running of an event in a perfect way : events, musical knowledge, technical knowledge, administration, logistics, cathering, communication, security, reception... our members can do everything !

If you're motivated to join us, if you want to bring your skills to serve the music, if you think you can bring something to Phoenix Rising, please contact us !

The annual subscription is 15 euros. It allows to purchase the required liability insurance.

Association Phoenix Rising